Sunday, November 23, 2014

A basic tutorial on hasher

To create a new hash (sha2) of a string just do this:
            var hasher = new Hasher.Hasher();
     var hash =  hasher.getHash("abcd");
     var salt = hasher.Salt;
Now it is your duty to store hash and salt in a safe place, may be in a database. Now to check wheather next time the user has entered corrected password or not just do this:
            var checker = new Hasher.Hasher(storedSaltValue);
     if(checker.match(enteredByUserString, storedHash))
          //user has entered correct password
I mean here checker.match("abcd", hash) will return true but checker.match("pqrs", hash) will return false (any other string except "abcd")

You can download Hasher from NuGet

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